based music video
Performance music
videos is footage of the band/the artist of them actually performing the music.
This could be a live performance from when they were doing a concert or it
could be a staged performance. The singers are the main focus of the videos and
are usually shown the whole way through. The most common videos made in the performance
style is indie and rock. The costing of the videos are not usually very high
because it does not involve too much editing and work to be done to the video,
as they want to show a realistic video. The negative to this style is sometimes
it may look boring as you are just watching them perform and therefore they
will have to be pretty well known for people to be interested in watching the
Performance videos
- Shots of the artist performing.
- Could be a live stage performance, including shots of the artists as well as the audience.
- Could be real life situations, like talking, fooling around and warming up.
- A lot of close up shots are shown.
- Particular visual style, with props, clothing for example.
- Could be in an unusual place, for example a rooftop.
Narrative based music video
This is a music video when a story is often told throughout the lyrics or just suggested in the lryics, for example if there is a break up they usually try to act out the lryics. Most of the time the narrative based music videos are love stories are they are usually emotional songs which need to show the story to make it seem even more emotional and have a better effect. A narrative is often like a small film which has a beginning, a middle and an end and will often follow on from the story which is shown from the lryics.
Narrative videos contain:
- Very fast paced, with lots of shots and different cuts.
- It can often use intertextuality which means that it uses refrences from othr films, videos or TV.
- The story can often contradict, so that the lryics and the video are not parrellel to eachother.
- It could either be the artist who is involved with the story on the video side or people who are completely seperate.
Concept based music video
Concept videos are usually based around one idea or a concept and are different and unusal and seem surreal for the audience. This is done because it creates attraction because people might be surprised at the video and some people actually like the randomness and possibly weirdness of the video. The artist needs to make sure that the video is interesting as it can often get boring if it is not done correctly. A lot of the time the vdieos contain different styles so that it will keep the audience entertained. There are two different types of concept videos, these include thematic and symbolic.
The thematic style of a concept video is when there are a lot of different common themes in the music video, as suggested by the title, this will depend on the genre of the music. or example if the song is by a rap artist then they often show a lot of street images which link well with the theme of the songs.
Symbolic videos have lots of symbols to build up meaning, for example by showing a graveyard it could show the theme of death. Often there are lots of different images shown to create some meaning or contradictory. The lighting of the video can be used a lot to suggest what the mood is supposed to be. For this genre it is usually very fast paced so that there is only a few seconds for each short so that there is more meaning.
Concept videos contain
- They can actually contain anything as it usually pretty random.
- But, they are usually very unusual, to shock the audience and therefore keep them watching.
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