How our music video will play out
Within the music video me and Ella both wanted to have a part, but in different kind of ways. We wanted to split our music video into two separate sections, one being the narrative and one being the performance. We thought it would be a really cool and different idea to do the story completely un linked to the singer and performer and instead use Ella to do the narrative. The song is all about when the music artist was seventeen, so therefore we decided that the narrative would just be all different things which make up your life at seventeen years. Not all of the shots of different things will be completely crazy, like going to parties every night and doing crazy things, but instead we wanted to do things which we actually do on a day to day basis and hopefully allow other people this age to relate to us and therefore maybe think of AVA as a bit of a role model instead of a crazy teenager who is rebellious and does whatever she pleases. The performance part of the music video is going to be very simple, so that it contrasts with the narrative and stands out, this is very important so that the viewers do not get confused with what of the music video is narrative and what is performance. We thought that we would do the performance infront of a black wall just to keep it all very plain, we also wanted to add to it by throwing some glitter over myself, by doing this we can add many effects to it after, like throw the glitter is slow mo, rewind it, speed it up etc.